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Mar 6Liked by Donald J. Robertson

Well - guilty as I have Meditations in my kindle app and probably read something from it at least everyday. It is both comforting as I approach my mid 70s having lived with life long disabilities and now other age related conditions to feel a real connection across all those years, cultural shifts and time to another human being struggling with day to day problems and emotions whilst functioning in the best way available.

I find it deeply irritating and quite puzzling how the ‘popularisation’ and TicTok snap shot reductionism seems blind to the compassion and humanism in Marcus and the stoics -

I felt that the modern application of stoicism in psychology was a formulaic and, what I saw and still see, is dehumanising as it is often taught and applied in the hands of therapists that have never picked up a philosophical book let alone a stoic philosopher.

The irony was that I trained in a multidimensional model one of which was the cognitive behavioural of Albert Ellis - Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) and studied philosophy and medical ethics - guess what when CBT became the flavour of the moment in the U.K. I was deemed not trained in CBT.

Times are fortunately changing but as I reach the later years of practicing as a psychologist and therapist I still am disturbed by the paucity of the teaching in schools from the primary stage of philosophy. It seems we have ignored what a huge benefit this would be to the development of children and subsequently society as a whole.

I read every day now and wish only that I had this educational opportunity at a young child. I think the ab it as a no d misuse of Marcus and the stoics has only been possible because those who latch on are uninformed and yet desperate for meaning and emotional and life skills that are lacking in a world that looks either to a nihilistic view or runs in desperation into the seductive arms of simplistic and fundamentalist religious and political dogmas, all of which ulterior fail us in a global interconnected world where we are all just mortal.

Apologies for the diatribe - it touches a sore spot I maybe need to meditate on more!

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