Video: Stoicism, Socrates, and Modern Psychotherapy
Watch my interview for the Welldoing psychotherapy app
Here’s a video of a recent conversation I had about ancient philosophy and psychotherapy with psychotherapist Alice McGurran, for the British therapy app Welldoing. I really enjoy speaking to other therapists. It’s what I started doing but I don’t get as much opportunity these days. So this was a chance to really focus on some of the questions that are of most interest to me personally.
From the Website
Donald J. Robertson is a CBT psychotherapist who has been researching philosophy and applying it in his work for twenty years. He is one of the founding members of the non-profit organisation Modern Stoicism.
His latest book, How to Think Like Socrates, blends history, philosophy and psychology, providing a semi-fictionalised account of Socrates' life based closely on accounts found in ancient sources.
So, why Socrates? Robertson sees him as a forerunner to modern cognitive psychotherapy, exemplifying not only what it means to be mentally flexible and how to clarify your values, but also standing for the benefit of dialogue with another person – one way of describing therapy – as the best means of gathering wisdom and self-knowledge
I recently completed "How to Think Like Socrates".
Excellent book.
I appreciated listening to this discussion and the idea of resilient therapy and how we might enable this to a wider audience via AI.