In this episode, I chat with Benny Voncken, a life coach, and the co-founder of the Via Stoica website and Podcast. He reached out to me saying he’d love to share his experience putting Stoic philosophy into practice because it greatly reduced his anxiety, worries, and helped him deal with problems such as anger and frustration.
How did you become interested in Stoicism?
Tell us about your website and podcast.
Why do you think Stoicism is important today?
How do you see the value of Stoicism in relation to life coaching?
What are some ways Stoic ideas or techniques can help people?
What do you think Stoicism tells us about coping with worry and anxiety?
I’m very interested in anger, how do you think Stoicism might help people to avoid getting so angry?
What’s a good way for people to begin learning about Stoicism and applying it in their life?
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